I've returned back to work. I apologize for any of my clients who may have had their cases delayed over the past few weeks, and to those expecting me to post a video. I'm having a little difficulty with this software. My friend, who I know is reading this, normally helps me with this stuff but he's decided he's going to be hands off with this.
I took my first case since my incident over the past weekend. I was tasked with finding out if Snowball was cheating on Miss Bliss. I did as I normally do with these investigations, I check their phone records and the spouse invites me to perform computer checks. There were no e-mails, no phone messages, no logs showing any connection to anybody outside of his family.
My initial impression was Miss Bliss was a bit paranoid. That's something I've often found in these cases, but I still have to put my best foot forward. After having spent Thursday and Friday doing the initial investigations, I was called by Miss Bliss who informed me that Snowball had gone into work to do some spontaneous overtime. This peaked my interest so I tried to find him at work, he wasn't there. I drove around a bit, through various hotel parking lots looking for his car. I didn't find it in any of the usual places, but I did find it in one of the strangest places - the parking lot of the Houston Museum of Natural Science.
My curiosity was peaked, if he was cheating on his wife why would he meet his mistress here of all places? Then I had to question why he would lie to his wife about work to come to the museum. I entered the museum and searched a while to find him, when I did I barely caught a glimpse of him setting a letter behind the statue of the "Sun God."

Obviously I found this to be quite peculiar, so I waited until he left and removed the letter:
Snowbelle, I wasn't able to leave you a message yesterday. I hope you check this Sunday. I've purchased us two tickets flying out of Houston Hobby Wednesday, meet me at our usual spot at 4am. I've really got to get away with you. I can't stand waking up next to her, I can't wait until the day your brother does what he's got to do so that we can be together.
This letter really concerned me, the tone he used when discussing this "brother's" task. I informed the police about my findings and they are currently questioning Snowball, Snowbelle, and Snowbrother. Remember that all individuals are innocent until proven guilty and all identities have been concealed to protect the innocent.
I will have to remember this experience as I would never have thought that someone would have hidden a secret message behind a statue of the "Sun God."
As always remember to SURF SAFE!